The Best Shoulder Rehab Exercises From Team Performax

Treating Shoulder Injuries

Treating shoulder injuries is a very common occurrence in my office, especially amongst my competitive clients. Before we tackle how to rehabilitate a shoulder-based injury, we need to understand what supports the shoulder joint. 

First, the shoulder is a ball and socket joint, which means it can move in all directions just like our hip.  It is formed by the humerous bone fitting into the scapula. Knowing that these two bones form the joint, biggest question is what holds it all together? 

We have previously discussed the anatomy of the deltoid, but this isn’t the shoulder and the deltoid does not facilitate the stability in the joint of the shoulder.  There are four muscles that construct this amazing matrix of support of the should: the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and the subscapularis muscles. Each of these muscles play an important role in proper shoulder rehabilitation.

Let’s summarize the actions of each muscle so that we understand how to appropriately rehab in order to prevent possible shoulder injury:
1) Supraspinatus is the main “elevator” for the rotator cuff (0-60 degrees involves this muscle).  2) The infraspinatus helps to extend and rotate the rotator cuff.  
3) Teres minor performs a similar action to the infraspinatus but helps to further externally rotate the rotator cuff. 
4) Lastly, the subscapularis aids in rotating internally and also lowering the shoulder.  


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